What we do and what we’re about
We’re a small coffee farm from El Salvador hellbent on proving coffee can still be a sustainable and socially responsible way of life in this country.
It is our mission to prove coffee can be profitable without exploiting our people and our land. We're not shy to walk away from traditional growing methods in favor of innovation and optimization. We take time and effort on things that need it, and optimize things that shouldn't, like replacing soil tests with satellite resource mapping. It gives us near real time data about the health of our trees and land and it is also significantly cheaper.
Industrializing our coffee lets us have insane control over every aspect of its production, ensuring the best quality we can achieve and complete traceability.
The environment is also really important to us, there really is no point to do what we do unless future generations can thrive and do better than us. El Salvador's flora and fauna have suffered greatly since the days of our civil war, and that is why we feel responsible to leave our lands in better shape than what we found them.
We don’t use herbicides nor pesticides, instead we use nature’s strength and wisdom to our advantage.
We also pay our collaborators significantly higher than other farms with full health benefits, something thats sadly not the norm.
If you want to read more detail about what we do and are all about feel free to expand the sections below to learn more!
Our story
The story of how we started, why we’re called valle de oro, and how we got to specialize in Marsellesa coffee. It’s a long story, but well worth the read :)
Our team
Isn’t it nice to be able to put a face on a company? Here you’ll find a short bio for our current and past teams members.
The Marsellesa variety
A short description and attributes of the coffee variety we decided to specialize in.
The tech we use
Woah you can do that with coffee? Yeah, learn how we integrate satélite technology, advanced monitoring, and crazy detailed traceability into our processes.